This is how Gothel's death and Ending goes in Mac Grimborn Gets Tangled.
[Eugene and our heroes climb into the tower]
Fuli: We made it.
Boba Fett: Let's save Rapunzel and get outta here.
[They find Rapunzel chained and gagged]
Rapunzel: [muffles]
[They turn around to see the villains led by Captain Phasma]
Captain Phasma: General Grimborn. So good to have you back.
Mac Grimborn: Phasma.
Captain Phasma: My partner in crime Gothel told me you'd be coming here.
Kion: Where is she?!
[Gothel appears]
Mac Grimborn: Gothel. [turns to Phasma] You knew who Rapunzel was, who I was the whole time.
Captain Phasma: I counted on it. I warned Gothel you'd learn of your true past and discover that this princess is your sister.
Starscream: We all counted on it, Your Highness.
[Gothel stabs Flynn as Phasma gets her staff and Mac ignites the Darksaber as he and Phasma clash]
Captain Phasma: Still as stubborn as ever.
Mac Grimborn: Let's go, chrome dome.
[Hexxus prepares to take Rapunzel away, but she fights him]
Hexxus: Stop fighting us!
[Mac keeps on fighting Phasma as he Force pushes her and Hexxus as he ungags Rapunzel]
Mac Grimborn: She'll never stop fighting! But take her and me with you.
Cad Bane: How do we know this isn't a trick?
Rapunzel: I'll never run, I'll never try to escape. Just let me heal him. And you and I will be together. Forever, just like you want. Everything will be the way it was. I promise. Just like you want. Just let me heal him.
[Gothel considers Rapunzel's offer. She chains Flynn to a pillar]
Mother Gothel: In case you get any ideas about following us.
Rapunzel: Eugene! Oh, I'm so sorry. Everything is going to okay, in a moment.
Flynn Rider: No, Rapunzel!
Rapunzel: I promise, you have to trust me.
Flynn Rider: No.. I can't let you do this.
Rapunzel: But I can't let you die.
Flynn Rider: But if you do this...
Rapunzel: Shhh.
Flynn Rider: Then you...will die.
Rapunzel: Hey. It's gonna be all right.
Flynn Rider: Rapunzel, wait...
[Eugene uses a mirror shard to cut off Rapunzel's hair]
Rapunzel: Eugene... What?
[Everyone gasps in horror]
Kion: Eugene...
Gothel: No!
[Ushari is horrified]
Ushari: What? Rapunzel's hair got cut?
[Gothel runs to her hair]
[It turns brown as she starts aging]
Gothel: What have you done? What have you done?!
[Gothel's hair turns white. She runs to look at the mirror shards. She is horrified and she covers her face with her hood, she squirms and then, as she moves, Pascal pulls the long strand of Rapunzel's hair and she trips out of the window]
[The villains are horrified]
[Gothel falls and turns to dust when she hits the ground]
[Everyone is relieved]
Queen Chrysalis: Stop! You can't destroy her!
[She powers up her horn]
Bunga: Oh, no, you don't!
[He throws a rock at Chrysalis]
Queen Chrysalis: You think compassion will save you?! We will always return!
Kenge: Retreat!
[They retreat as Mac approaches Flynn and recites the healing incantation]
Mac Grimborn: Flower gleam and glow, let your power shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt. Change the fates' design. Save what has been lost. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine.
[Flynn is healed]
Mac Grimborn: [turns to Rapunzel] I now know who I am.
[Rapunzel hugs Mac as the scene changes to Corona as a guard enters a room and nods to Fredric and Arianna as they head to the door and see Mac and Rapunzel returned to them]
[Arianna approaches Mac and softly feels his face]
Queen Arianna: [chuckles as she hugs him]
[Fredric approaches Mac and gently hugs him]
[Arianna sees Eugene as she extends her hand as he takes it, only to be joined in the hug]
Mac Grimborn: [narrating] Well, you can probably guess what happened after that. The kingdom rejoiced for the lost prince and princess had returned. The party lasted for an entire weekend, and I remember all of it. Gold Hook become the greatest concert composer in the world. Big Nose eventually found true love. The mime seemed happy. I think so, he never told me, though. Thanks to Maximus, crime within the kingdom disappeared for a decade, as did most of the apples. Pascal never changed. At last, Rapunzel and I were home, and we actually have a real family. I was a prince worth fighting for. Beloved by all, we brought peace to our kingdom as our parents did before us. And as for Flynn Rider, he started going by Eugene again, and I know what the big question was. Did my sister ever get married? Well, I'm pleased to tell you that after years of asking, asking and asking, Eugene finally said yes.
[Everyone starts celebrating as Maximus gets to Mac while Rapunzel kisses Eugene]
Rapunzel: [offscreen] Mac.
Mac Grimborn: [narrating] Alright, Eugene asked her.
[We see lanterns]
Rapunzel: [offscreen] We're living happily ever after.
Mac Grimborn: [narrating] Yes, yes, they are.
[Mac dances with Christine as the film ends]